Published Works
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) Findings 2021-22: Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Carmel College of Nursing Researches How Virtual Simulation Affects Student Knowledge, Decisions, and Skills
Six organizations, including Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN), received the 2021 Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) to study how virtual simulation can improve nursing students’ learning outcomes. Mount Carmel used Sentinel U’s Sentinel City® Community and Population Health virtual simulation to study the impact of short-term exposure to virtual simulation on key academic performance indicators identified by ATI.
Students participating in the virtual clinical simulation demonstrated higher ATI proficiency level scores than those who did not.
Mount Carmel College of Nursing partnered with Sentinel U® to study how the Sentinel City® v.5 Community and Population Health Virtual Simulation affects student knowledge, clinical decision-making, and skills competence. The study involved 60 students over one semester. The university used ATI scores to measure the impact of the simulation and was mentored by Laura Gonzalez, PhD, APRN, CNE, CHSE- A, ANEF, FAA – Sentinel U’s Vice President of Healthcare Innovations. This research will contribute to medical science and education.
2021-22 SUNSRG Outcomes: Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Study Design:
Descriptive Study
Sentinel City® v.5 Community and Population Health Virtual Simulation
Assess the effectiveness of virtual clinical simulation in increasing student knowledge, clinical decision making, and skills competence.
ATI Scores were higher across the board for students who had used Sentinel City® Community and Population Health virtual simulation.
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG)
Learn more about the Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG). View past winners, research findings, and apply for the next opportunity to conduct your own research study with an in-kind grant for virtual nursing simulations from Sentinel U®.