Published Works
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) Findings 2021-22: University of the District of Columbia
University of the District of Columbia Examines the Effect of Virtual Simulations on Clinical Decision Making
The 2021 Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) afforded six organizations to conduct research on how simulation products can improve learning outcomes for nursing learners. As a 2021-22 SUNSRG grant recipient, the University of the District of Columbia – a Historically Black College and University – performed its own distinctive research over the course of about a year.
As a measure of critical thinking, 81% of students identify fact or assumption with virtual simulation, as opposed to only 31% without virtual simulation. – University of the District of Columbia self-report finding
With the support of Sentinel U’s in-kind grants, UDC conducted its own in-depth research study, asking a singular use-case question, assessing qualitative and quantitative data, and utilizing multiple instruments to measure a specific outcome. Sentinel U’s Vice President of Healthcare Innovations, Laura Gonzalez, PhD, APRN, CNE, CHSE- A, ANEF, FAAN, personally mentored the university in producing its research, which will contribute to medical science and education.
2021-22 SUNSRG Findings: University of the District of Columbia
Listen to Dr. Gonzalez convey the research findings of UDC, a recent grant recipient that used Sentinel U’s products to evaluate learning outcomes in their course work.

Prioritization of Care®
“Sentinel U’s Prioritization of Care® product improved clinical decision making and reasoning among Associate Degree Nursing students.”
– University of the District of Columbia research study findings
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG)
Learn more about the Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG). View past winners, research findings, and apply for the next opportunity to conduct your own research study with an in-kind grant for virtual nursing simulations from Sentinel U®.